Monday, November 30, 2015

What if ...

What if American political correctness applied to Christianity as it does to Islam? Imagine the responses to the Planned Parenthood shooting:
"A teeny, tiny, minuscule minority -- in this case, one guy -- has hijacked the peaceful religion of Christianity. But remember, this was not necessarily a religious act. We shouldn't jump to conclusions. We don't have a motive yet (maybe it's workplace violence). You can't condemn a whole religion for the actions of a few crazies. After all, every religion has its extremists. Most Christians are against this sort of thing and condemn it. Remember: We are NOT at war with Christianity. Christians have made marvelous contributions to geometry and to the rich tapestry of American culture. And did I mention that we're not at war with Christianity? So let's welcome many thousands of them into our country and put them on government assistance, you know, like the Pilgrims. And if you have any reservations about such a sudden, consequential influx, you're hypocrites who should be ashamed of your damned selves. Remember, we are NOT at war Christianity. Did I mention that?"

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